Open Education Resource University (OERu)

Open Education Resource (OERu) has come a long way achieving its long term goal of providing affordable and accessible quality education for all. OERu is the largest advocate of OER in the Pacific region, and is recognized globally in their efforts to promoting accessing affordable, free, quality education through OER. According to Doctor Wayne Mackintosh, Director OER foundation and UNESCO/ICDE OERu Chair, OERu  have a full 1st year of study launching this year. The online courses are based entirely on OER and learners can participate for free.

It is about time that the Pacific community, especially the Nations Government react to these global changes, invest in ODFL, empower its people by providing pathways to accessing quality education through ODFL, which in turn will benefit the Fenua/Vanua (Land). We must embrace these changes through collaborative discourse and turn our knowledge into actions.

Matai Tagicaki.

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