Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs

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 WELCOME to the Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs!

Dear Participant,

The survey addresses MOOC learners, MOOC designers and MOOC facilitators. It begins with a few questions on your profile before you are asked to select the survey section that fits best to your main role in MOOCs (i.e., either as MOOC learner, MOOC designer, or MOOC facilitator).

Please support us to improve the quality of future MOOCs and take 20 – 30 minutes to answer our questions. Thank you very much for your time!

We value your privacy and guarantee your privacy and data protection: Please read our privacy statement here.

To start the Global Survey, click the button “Next” below, you can save the Global Survey and continue it later at any time. It runs until the end of March 2017.

The Global Survey is organized by the European Alliance MOOQ led by the Open University of the Netherlands, and is supported by:

United Nations’ UNESCO IITE, United Nations’ ITCILO, United Nations’ FAO, United Nations’ UNITAR, International Council for Distance and Open Learning (ICDE), Commonwealth of Learning (COL), International Community for Open Research and Education (ICORE), European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), European Association for Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL), Open Education Consortium (OEC), Contact North (CN) and many more.

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