Education Repository

Welcome to your educational resources repository page. The purpose of this page is to direct you to reliable educational resource links especially and including Open Educational Resources.

Study Skills

Lower Primary (Years 1 – 3) Subject Specific Resources

Upper Primary (Years 4 – 6)

Junior Secondary (Years 7 – 9)

Senior Secondary (Years 10 – 12)

  • PHET Interactive Simulations for Science and Mathematics
    Simulations related to topics in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Earth Science and Biology.
  • COL Resources (Secondary)
    17 secondary school courses, at grade 10-12, specially designed for independent study. Commerce 11, Coordinated Science 12, English 12, English 2nd language 10; Entrepreneurship 10; Food & Nutrition. Geography 10, Human Social Biology 12, Life Science 10, Life Skills, Mathematics 11, Mathematics 12, Physical Science 10, Physical Science 12, Principles of Business, Spanish.

Cross-cutting resources (how to guides as well as subject specific resources)

  1. African Storybook
    Thousands of picture storybooks in African languages to improve literacy and imagination of children.
  2. CK-12 (Elementary and Secondary)
    Learning resources in a variety of formats for K-12 grades.
  3. Khan Academy
    Materials from Grade 9 upwards to the first year in a college.
  4. MIT BLOSSOMS (Videos)
    Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies (BLOSSOMS) is a series of interactive lessons presented in a widely accessible video format.
  5. OER Commons
    A wide range of learning materials for different levels, including professional development resources for teachers and an authoring environment.
  6. OpenStax
    A good starting point to avail quality textbooks. A printable version of textbooks can be accessed at OpenStax textbooks.
  7. PhET (Simulations for Science and Math)
    Interactive simulations in science and mathematics from University of Colorado.
  8. Siyavula (Elementary and Secondary)
    Learner book(s) and teacher’s guide(s) in English and Afrikaans.
  9. Storyweaver
    Over 19,000 stories to promote reading amongst kids available in 230 languages.
  10. Notesmaster
    OER for a variety of subjects
    • Visit:
    • Click: Guest access
    • Select a country e.g. Vanuatu
    • Select group/s in the right-hand column
    • Choose a group e.g. Vanuatu OER Aptus group
    • Select shared resources
    • Select a subject, topic and resource. Note that resources can be viewed online or exported to Word for editing.
  1. TESSA
    Contains teaching resources for primary level life skills, literacy, numeracy, science, social studies and the arts and secondary science in four languages: English, French, Arabic and Swahili.
  2. BC Open School
    Contains links to several useful subject-specific and general learning guides.
  3. Learning Continuity Kit
    Provides guides for teachers and learners on how to continue learning when schools are locked down.
  4. Digital Promise: Online Learning Resources A searchable library of online resources for educators.