TVSD in Tuvalu

Tuvalu to date has very little ongoing technical or skills training for early school leavers or students who are not suited to academic streams, or for adults who need to develop new technical or trade skills, or build on existing skills. There is some private provision as detailed in the COL Tuvalu Country Study (Raturi … Read more

TVET OERs in Engine Maintenance

The Ministry of Education & Training in Vanuatu is spearheading the development of a new programme in small engine user maintenance to be accredited by the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority. With support from a COL consultant, subject experts in Luganville in Sanma Province, are adapting existing COL OER materials and developing additional video content needed for the Vanuatu country context to include the following small engines; grass cutter & lawn mower, outboard engines, chainsaw, small generator. The course is intended to be delivered in secondary school to students from Year 7 to Year 10 and once accredited by Vanuatu Qualifications Authority, these courses will be offered to adult learners in community education programs throughout Vanuatu. The aim is to produce competency-based materials which will enable youth and adult community members to gain a Certificate 1 in Automotive Servicing to gain employment.

TVET in Schools Coordinator, Emmanuel Aru Garaesivi, says that “Communication is a challenge as the writers are in Luganville in Santo and MOET is in Port Vila in Shefa Province, but we are working hard to make sure we finish the materials.”

The skills agenda: preparing learners for the future

The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted global surveys of senior business executives, teachers and students to investigate the extent to which the skills taught in education systems around the world are changing, and whether they meet the needs of employers and society more widely.  As technology becomes more pervasive, traditional trades disappear and the world of … Read more

Unleashing the Potential: Transforming TVET

The authors ask, ‘What would it take to unleash the potential of TVET systems?’. In response, an integrated analytical approach is proposed through which economic growth, social equity and sustainability perspectives can be strategically combined so as to address contemporary policy concerns such as youth unemployment, gender disparities and climate change. Policy-makers and other stakeholders … Read more

TVET challenges in Kiribati

Distance and flexible learning is particularly challenging in the island nations of the Pacific – so when TVET stakeholders in Kiribati wanted to develop a strategy for outer-island programme delivery, they called on COL for support. Pacific distance learning expert Mr. Brian Sayer, based in Honiara, Solomon Islands, facilitated a series of workshops bringing together … Read more

TVET Open Education Resources

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) has been involved in the creation of TVET course materials with many of our partners over the years.  They are available through the links below. Most are freely available as Open Educational Resources for download and adaption, but some may carry restrictive licenses. COL’s online institutional repository of publications and … Read more

Pacific TVET ODFL Forum Tonga

Twenty six practitioners in TVET from 8 Pacific countries met in Tonga to discuss how national priorities could be met through ODFL in TVET. The participants came from Ministries, NGOs, FBOs and TVET institutions throughout the region. It was designed to work through a process of considering the issues involved in introducing more flexible and … Read more

Basic Trades for Small Island Nations

In response to requests from the small island states of the Pacific region, COL, working in partnership with the Pacific Association of Technical, Vocational Education and Training (PATVET) produced a series of courses titled Basic Trades for Small Island Nations. This series provided the resources to teach people in remote communities the basic trade skills … Read more

Literacy and Numeracy for Basic Trades

In order to assist with literacy development to aid in the full utilisation of the Basic Trades for Small Island States, COL, working with the Oloamanu Centre of the National University of Samoa and with the support of PATVET, developed a course on basic vocational literacy and numeracy for basic trades. Educators from six Pacific … Read more