USP OER Institution Policy

The University of the South Pacific once again leads by example as it organised an OER Institutional Policy development workshop. The workshop, which last for two days (May 25th and 26th), was organised by the Center for Flexible Learning (C.F.L.) in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). The aim of the workshop was to … Read more

ICT in Education – A teachers perspective from Fiji

Education in the Pacific is overwhelmed with these changes and information technological advancement. Mobile technology, Learning management systems, web based learning, e-Learning, m-Learning, Open Educational Resources, Interactive classroom technology, smart boards, smart classrooms, these are the many introduced technological approaches to education, introduced as the alternative forms of learning today and beyond. The changes have … Read more

Open Education Resource University (OERu)

Open Education Resource (OERu) has come a long way achieving its long term goal of providing affordable and accessible quality education for all. OERu is the largest advocate of OER in the Pacific region, and is recognized globally in their efforts to promoting accessing affordable, free, quality education through OER. According to Doctor Wayne Mackintosh, … Read more

Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs

To access the website please CLICK HERE.  WELCOME to the Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs! Dear Participant, The survey addresses MOOC learners, MOOC designers and MOOC facilitators. It begins with a few questions on your profile before you are asked to select the survey section that fits best to your main role in … Read more

Teacher to Director Pacific TAFE

Teacher to Director | COL   Teacher to Director “By being a complete distance and flexible learning product, I developed deep passion to promote flexible learning which can transform lives as it has done mine. My motivation to lead Pacific Centre for Flexible and Open Learning for Development (PACFOLD) originates from my learning experience” Hasmukh … Read more

Messaging and EDTECH

“Messaging and EdTech” by by Dr. Venkataraman Balajiwas originally published in the November 2016 issue of Connections, as part of the regular feature “Tech Trends”. Messaging is the most widely used application in networked communication, with billions of messages exchanged daily. For most people in the developing world, a mobile phone is the only network-connected … Read more

TVSD in Tuvalu

Tuvalu to date has very little ongoing technical or skills training for early school leavers or students who are not suited to academic streams, or for adults who need to develop new technical or trade skills, or build on existing skills. There is some private provision as detailed in the COL Tuvalu Country Study (Raturi … Read more

TVET OERs in Engine Maintenance

The Ministry of Education & Training in Vanuatu is spearheading the development of a new programme in small engine user maintenance to be accredited by the Vanuatu Qualifications Authority. With support from a COL consultant, subject experts in Luganville in Sanma Province, are adapting existing COL OER materials and developing additional video content needed for the Vanuatu country context to include the following small engines; grass cutter & lawn mower, outboard engines, chainsaw, small generator. The course is intended to be delivered in secondary school to students from Year 7 to Year 10 and once accredited by Vanuatu Qualifications Authority, these courses will be offered to adult learners in community education programs throughout Vanuatu. The aim is to produce competency-based materials which will enable youth and adult community members to gain a Certificate 1 in Automotive Servicing to gain employment.

TVET in Schools Coordinator, Emmanuel Aru Garaesivi, says that “Communication is a challenge as the writers are in Luganville in Santo and MOET is in Port Vila in Shefa Province, but we are working hard to make sure we finish the materials.”

Open Educational Resources in the Commonwealth 2016

The “Open Educational Resources in the Commonwealth 2016” report is now available online at This study was conducted as part of the OER for Skills Development project of COL, supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The objective of the study was to collect baseline data from Commonwealth institutions with respect to the … Read more