ICT in Education – A teachers perspective from Fiji

Education in the Pacific is overwhelmed with these changes and information technological advancement. Mobile technology, Learning management systems, web based learning, e-Learning, m-Learning, Open Educational Resources, Interactive classroom technology, smart boards, smart classrooms, these are the many introduced technological approaches to education, introduced as the alternative forms of learning today and beyond. The changes have … Read more

Messaging and EDTECH

“Messaging and EdTech” by by Dr. Venkataraman Balajiwas originally published in the November 2016 issue of Connections, as part of the regular feature “Tech Trends”. Messaging is the most widely used application in networked communication, with billions of messages exchanged daily. For most people in the developing world, a mobile phone is the only network-connected … Read more

Why mobile learning?

John Traxler is Professor of Mobile Learning, probably the world’s first and a full UK professor, and Director of the Learning Lab at the University of Wolverhampton. He is a Founding Director of the International Association for Mobile Learning, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning and of Interactive Learning Environments. He is on the Research Board of the Association of Learning Technology, the Editorial Board of Research in Learning Technology and IT in International Development.

In this video, prepared for a Standford University MOOC on ‘designing a new learning environment’, John talks about the importance of mobile learning for the future. (6.53)

mLearning at USP

A PowerPoint presentation from the Faculty of Science, technology and Environment explaining what is mobile learning why should we use mobile learning? the history of mlearning at USP the research on mlearning done at USP You can access the PowerPoint from the USP website here – it is also shared in the documents for this … Read more